Thursday, January 31, 2019

Bad Dream 30 -- Morning of 1/28/19

I lost the earlier section of this dream.  Couldn't recall it...

In the later part of my dream, I am remembering that I used to work for Donald Trump.  He and I didn't like each other and we parted on less than pleasant terms.  

But I have a new job now, which is working out perfectly well.  I am explaining a game you might call "Alphabet Arithmetic" to a co-worker: numbers from one to twenty-six each represents a letter in the alphabet.  So "B"+"H" = "J" 

I think I'm trying to convince him that our company should develop and market this as a game for kids.  

Donald Trump walks in through a doorway holding a cell phone.  Older model.  He holds this out to my co-worker, and I understand that DT thinks that this is my co-worker's lost cell phone.  The co-worker shakes his head, as in "No, that's not the right one."  

When DT sees me, he clearly recognizes me and he scowls.  

DT withdraws the phone from between the two of them.  It looks like he's starting to leave, but turns around and says to my co-worker: "Show me," as in "Show me what your phone looks like so I have a better idea of what to look for."

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