Monday, January 21, 2019

Bad Dream 27 -- Morning of 1/21/19

In my dream, I am a student taking a "heavy" (word from my notes) class.  Difficult, in other words.  I am -- I think -- in the classroom, chatting with my fellow students.  I don't know why, but I only got 10 minutes sleep last night -- and I keep telling fellow students that.  They don't care.

I fake my way through a couple of classes, continuing to tell people about only getting 10 minutes sleep.

I am now in what seems to be a large old house that's been converted into essentially a boarding house.  I really need to get more sleep.  The front desk clerk understands, turns his head slightly and nods as if to say "Walk down the hallway a bit and you'll find a room for yourself." I walk to the first door, which is slightly ajar and push it open -- hoping this is the room the clerk wanted me to use.  

In the room, there's a large bed occupied by a very pretty girl wearing nothing but a short nightie.  She sees me and rolls across the bed away from me -- not frightened, just rolling.  As she does this her nightie comes up over her head and away from her.  She's now naked.  As she does this, I see that there's also a guy in the bed with her.  So I ask myself: "Is she inviting me to join them in bed or is she just moving away from me?"  Deciding that the consequence of choosing the first option might be dangerous, I decide the best thing to do is simply close the door and try another room.  

Some of the doors are firmly closed and do not invite any investigation.  Others are open and reveal a room that has recently been slept in and haven't been tidied up yet.  I decide none of these rooms are going to serve my purpose, so I should just try to get some breakfast.

I walk down to the breakfast dining room and see that all the tables are occupied.  I enter the door to the kitchen and am surprised and pleased to see an old friend working there.  We spend some time talking about my order for scrambled eggs, toast, etc. but finally get the order straightened out.  

I walk back out to the dining room, which has become a very large restaurant with a number of unoccupied tables.  I choose one and sit down in anticipation of my breakfast showing up sometime soon.  Then I realize that there's no jellies or jams at the table, and I will want some grape jelly for my toast.  

So I get up and walk around to other unoccupied tables hoping to find a packet or two of grape jelly (which, in Real Life, is certainly not my favorite!) with no success.  There doesn't seem to be any jelly or jam in the entire restaurant.  

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