Thursday, January 17, 2019

Bad Dream 24 -- Morning of 1/17/19

This felt like a pretty complete dream.  I'm not sure whether it took place before both fragments (Bad Dreams 22 and 23) or between them.  

I am in an office setting.  (I wrote down a note about getting teased again -- possibly about working out at the gym -- but I don't remember anything about that aspect of the dream.)  

Someone who reminds me of Roger Leimbach comes over to my desk and starts talking about our about-to-be-released product.  It's an important new part of our product line, and its proper introduction is really important.  

One aspect of it, according to "Roger," is that a training course is required.  And someone has to put together the course.  "Roger" tells me: "And you're just the guy to do it."  That is, put together a training course.  I feel perfectly ready and competent to put together a course -- as soon as "Roger" clarifies a few things.

I ask him:
 -- is the course for internal people?  If so, marketing and sales or tech support or field engineering?
 -- or is the course for customers?  If so, is it prospective buyers of the product or re-sellers of the product or external marketing folks?
 -- will we have one of the products for display and to help the students understand what the product looks like and how it performs?
 -- if so, will there be a hands-on workshop session so folks can get a clear idea as to how to manipulate or maintain or install the product?  
 -- how long do you anticipate the course to last?  An hour?  Several days?

"Roger" has no answers for me.  It seems obvious that he hasn't really considered any of this.  I'm a bit concerned that he's likely (given "Roger's" previous behavior) that he might say something really stupid like "Well, you figure out how it should be done." And walk away.  

I would absolutely love to put the course together.  It's something I do well and am proud of doing well.  But I don't stand a chance of success if "Roger" doesn't clarify these issues right at the start.  I'm concerned that, if I don't ask "Roger" for answers in just the right way, he's increasingly likely to leave it all in my lap.

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