Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What are the odds?

I have three dreams (i.e., mis-named as "Bad Dreams) in notes that I haven't added to this blog, but two things happened yesterday that I need to enter here or I'm afraid they would dissipate forever:

Yesterday was January 1, which means that I had my NYD gig at the Independence Foundation in Center City Philadelphia.  

I had pulled together half my "costume" the night before (that it, red pants, red shoes, red socks, gold vest) but didn't retrieve my dark green T-shirt -- knowing that it would be buried near the bottom of either the T-shirt drawer or, more likely, the bottom drawer.  
So that morning, I went to get the shirt.  I checked the bottom drawer first and was a bit surprised that it wasn't there.  And realized that if it wasn't find-able in the upper drawer, I would have to figure out something else.  Hmmm...
So I opened up the top drawer, and found the dark green T-shirt at the very top of the pile of shirts in the middle of the drawer.  Now, there are 20 or so shirts in that drawer -- possibly lots more, I haven't counted them.  But may do so at some future date just to satisfy my curiosity.  But I simply don't wear that shirt hardly ever.  And I can't think of any reason why it should be where it was.  
But it saved me several minutes in my frantic effort to get ready to go.  
And it gave me pause to wonder...

When I got to 30th St. Station and parked the car, I decided to take along my Canon Powershot camera to see what was worth photographing.  When I got to the main concourse, I took a couple of shots of the big clickety-clackety board announcing train times and gate locations.  (It's an endangered species at the moment.  Spare parts, maintenance procedures, etc.)  
After two shots the camera refused to take any more.  I fussed with the mode of control, shutter speed, etc. but the refusal stayed.  I finally figured out that the SD module was full.  And I had been clever enough to bring a spare with me, but it was located in the trunk of the car.  Which was an easy walk to retrieve.  And put the camera back in working order.  
Now, if the camera had an extra 5 or 10 exposures available, the disk would have filled when I was 10 or 12 blocks away from the car and running too late to return to retrieve the module.  And the chances of any store having such things for sale was practically zero.  After all, it was New Years Day.  
So as it was, I had the chance to photograph the Super Bowl ring and dozens of Mummers.  
The SD module, BTW, had capacity for hundreds of photos, and I think I've replaced it once since I bought the camera years ago.  

Is somebody Out There trying to get my attention?  

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