Second dream fragment of the morning:
I am in a large, open office area. I work here. I walk over to my desk which, like the desks around us, is free-standing. It's not against a wall and it's not enclosed in a cubicle. All these desks (I can only see 4 or 5, but I have the impression that the line of desks goes left and right farther than that) are aligned side-by-side.
As I approach the desk -- from the "visitor's side" rather than the side where my chair is -- I can see that someone has been messing around with stuff on the top of my desk. Not a whole lot, but things are not arranged quite as they were when I last saw my desk.
I approach the desk and notice that my coffee cup is missing. There are (I think) a few pieces of broken crockery, but they're all white while my cup had a dark color to it.
I also note that one of my tooth guards is sitting on my desk. (I can't imagine why it's on my desk to begin with. It belongs home sitting on a drinking cup ledge waiting for me to insert into my mouth as I get ready for bed.) But someone has broken it. Which is equally puzzling, as the tooth guard is a soft, flexible, rubbery plastic. But it definitely has a large piece missing.
I am standing there musing about what has happened when the dream ends.
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