Saturday, February 2, 2019

Bad Dream 31 -- Morning of 1/31/19

This is a short recollection of a much longer dream, but it has a theme that I think is being repeated in dream after dream.  So here goes:

In my dream I am participating in an extended classroom course -- something like 10 days or so.  It's the start of a new day, and things are just getting organized to start the day's program.  

Something happens -- and my notes are too badly written to read and it's two days after the dream and I forget what that thing is.  

But whatever it is that happens, the teacher says it can be repaired, and he calls on me to do the repair.  

Once again, I really don't know what it is that I'm supposed to do, but I'm fairly sure that I feel unprepared to do it.  

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