Monday, January 21, 2019

The Perils of Dream Collecting

Just want this on the record:

Documenting your dreams -- especially 4 or 5 times a week -- can be a real chore.  

The moment you wake up, you have to write down pretty much anything and everything you can remember about the dream.  I can feel my memory of the contents of a dream gradually sifting out of my head from shortly after waking up.  Certainly if you wait until morning to write down anything about the dream, you may find you don't remember anything about it.

So I wake up, let's say, at 2:30 in the morning.  I've just had a dream that I feel could be important.  I want to write down as much as I can recall.  But I am not -- repeat NOT -- going to turn on the light and possibly wake up my wonderful wife, who works so hard and doesn't -- in my humble opinion -- get enough sleep normally.

So it means hauling my carcass out of bed, searching for pen and paper, and waltzing into the bathroom to write down everything I can.  This may take 10 minutes or more.  By the time I get back to bed, I am thoroughly awake and find it impossible to get back to sleep -- typically for a couple of hours.  

Fortunately, it's been cold enough that staying tucked up in bed is a nice thing to do.  

But when I finally get to sleep around 4:00 AM, I'm only able to get maybe two hours' sleep.  I don't know how this affects my total sleep inventory, but I don't think it improves it.

Just sayin'

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