Sunday, January 13, 2019

Bad Dream 19 -- (Out of Sequence) 1/3/19

In my dream, I am attending some kind of retreat.  For reasons that the dream doesn't make clear, I find myself in some need of a nice, collared shirt.  The phrase that comes to mind is "Just in case."  I have plenty of clean T-shirts available, but the potential need for a shirt with a collar moves me to action.   

The scene shifts and I am now driving around in a car looking for an appropriate shirt with 2 friends from the retreat.  Look as hard as we may, we can't find the right kind of store in which to look for that shirt.  

We wind up at a nautical-themed clothing store, which is located by a large body of water.  (Clearly, the clothes selection is made with the boaters in mind.)  This may be Wilson Point...

It's the wrong season to look for a short-sleeved shirt that's nice enough to suffice for my potential requirement, and it looks like I'm out of luck.  I leave the store and am walking down the dock when I spot a rowing shell -- not unlike mine, but a good deal snazzier.  It's tan in color with a very pointed bow.  

I find myself back in the store, fingering through a stack of collared shirts that may be okay for my needs.  I turn over one more shirt and see one that is absolutely perfect.  I pick it up out of the stack.

As I look around the store (to find the cashier's location so I can pay for my shirt, quite possibly), I spot an old fire engine and some similar vehicles, which seem to be there to add to the decor.  I find the cashier's area and place the shirt on the counter in preparation for paying for it.  

(At the end of my notes for this dream, I've written that I didn't want to tell my friends what it was I was looking for.  I don't quite know where that fits into the dream sequence.)

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