Monday, January 14, 2019

Bad Dream 20 -- Morning of 1/14/19

Just a small fragment of this morning's dream:

I am looking at a large stuffed bird (as in taxidermy "stuffed").  It's one of the long-legged type -- ostrich or heron kind of bird.  It is located slightly off to my left and maybe 5 feet in front of me.  

Also in this scene is a large cat (as in tiger "large") It is also off to my left, and the bird is well within the cat's field of vision.

I sense some concern (from me or elsewhere -- not sure) that the cat will attack the bird.  And perhaps either the cat or the bird should be relocated.  But there is some counter thought that the cat is too smart to attack a stuffed bird.  

I sense that the entities expressing the concern and the counter thought have left.  So the only remaining entities are the cat, the bird, and myself.  

The cat looks over at me and his expression seems to say: "Hey, it's what I do."  And with that, the cat leaps at the bird.  His trajectory seems to be aimed at the birds long neck.  

I wake up.  

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