Saturday, January 26, 2019

Bad Dream 29 -- Morning of 1/26/19

In my dream, I'm working in a smallish office.  There are maybe 6 or 8 desks, each with a worker assigned to it.  We all do essentially the same job -- which has to do with rental properties: finding new clients on both sides of a rental agreement.

I can see some of the other workers walking around or talking on the phone -- clearly getting business done.  The volume of the speech is low.  

I'm fairly new at this job.  

The scene shifts to outside, where there's a very large truck with some kind of dump-truck equipment.  I'm standing nearby watching the truck's loading or unloading itself -- it's not clear -- but the "bed" of the truck comes crashing down to its normal position.  I'm startled by the sound.

I am now back in the office, standing close to my desk, and I see someone has left a pair of jeans and a denim jacket crumpled on the floor just in front of the large bottom drawer of my desk.  I am really annoyed at this:  Who did it?  Why did they do this?  Are the clothes clean?  Should I even touch them?   

Some of the guys around the office look over my way, disinterested maybe or just curious. 

As I'm trying to figure out what to do with the clothes, I think about just getting back to work.  And it occurs to me that I haven't the slightest idea how to do this job.  I think I may have had some cursory training, but certainly not enough to perform the job I've been hired to do.  

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