Sunday, February 17, 2019

Bad Dream 38 -- Morning of 2/17/19

In my dream, I am working for a company that is changing their office arrangement.  There are two buildings as part of this change -- and one of them is far superior to the other.  I have just found out that I will be assigned to have my office relocated to the other location.

I make a phone call to try and find out:
 -- why I've essentially been demoted this way, and
 -- if I can talk someone out of this and get myself reassigned to the better building.

I am now talking to a person who might be able to help with this.  He (I think it's a "he") tells me "There's no way in the world you're going to be moved to this building."  

I ask him why.  He asks me back "Would you like to know how upper management thinks of you?"  And I tell him "Of course I would."

He tells me that I am thought of as being far too casual in getting requisite paperwork done in a timely manner plus other behavior characteristics that this suggests strongly someone with poor work habits and a lack of commitment to the corporation and its objectives.  The suggestion -- not stated as such, but pretty clear by now -- is that I should consider myself lucky to still have a job, that there is little or nothing I can do to change anyone's opinion of me and my work.  And maybe I should save everyone the trouble of firing me and just quit.  

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