Saturday, February 2, 2019

Bad Dream 31 -- Morning of 1/31/19

Yes, this is the second dream from the same morning.  I had gotten up and visited the bathroom, then came back to bed and fell asleep.

In this dream, I am in some kind of hovering vehicle -- helicopter? but quiet -- and we are holding position over the open cockpit of a jet fighter plane.  A young woman in a flight suit -- obviously a pilot -- moves to the open door of the hovering vehicle.  She pauses for a moment, then jumps/falls out and into the plane -- landing in the pilot's seat perfectly positioned.  She has executed a 360-degree back flip to get there, and this maneuver allowed her feet and legs to slide perfectly into the cockpit.   

Another pilot -- also a young woman, I think -- executes the same maneuver.  

I get the feeling that I am expected to do the same.  I feel a certain amount of confidence, but recognize that missing the maneuver by ever so slightly could be extremely painful and injurious.  

I move towards the door.  

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