Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bad Dream 39 -- Morning of 2/21/19

In my dream, I am a camp counselor for young-ish kids. Things seem to be going okay.  

One of the activities at the camp is swimming for the kids, and there is a lake to allow this to happen.  There is a rope line around the outside of the area where the kids are allowed to swim and the rope is held up to the surface of the water by a series of floats.  It's a very small, restrictive area given the size of the lake.  And I suppose the lake bottom falls off sharply just outside the rope -- which is why the area is so small.  And these are pretty small kids anyway.

So after the kids are done playing in the water and have gone off to other activities, I decide I would like to take a dip as well.  But staying inside the rope would be quite restrictive for someone my size and my swimming capabilities.  So I ask myself -- and maybe other counselors -- if it would be okay to swim outside the line.  And not getting any straight answers (that might get someone in trouble if he/she just said "Yes, go ahead.") I decide to wade in outside the lines and listen to see if anyone objects loudly.  And no one does.  

After I'm done swimming, I am close to someone who is looking for volunteers for some activity or other to take place after the kids have lunch.  I'm not terribly interested in helping with the activity, but there are few to no other people who are volunteering to help.  I seriously consider volunteering anyway, but hold back just a little.  

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