Monday, February 11, 2019

Bad Dream 33 -- Morning of 2/9/19

In my dream, I'm walking on a city street -- a viaduct that carries the road over other roads that travel under the viaduct.  I'm carrying a large roll of D-size drawings and I've just come from some kind of meeting or presentation.  I cross the street so that the concrete-and-steel railing is right beside me.  And on the other side of the rail is a drop down to the other road underneath the viaduct.

As I cross the street, out of the corner of my eye, I see three grown men in suits crossing right behind me.  It appears pretty obvious that they are following me.  They hurry their steps a bit to catch up to me, so they are right behind me. 

One of them moves up beside me and bumps my shoulder with his.  Pretty hard.  I think he's just trying to elicit some kind of response, which would enable him to increase the physical confrontation.  One of the guys (same or different, don't know) grabs the roll of drawings and tries to pull it away from me.  I clutch the roll tighter, and he can't get them from me.  At this point, I'm surrounded by the three guys, and they appear to be preparing themselves to beat me up.  One of them, I think the one that tried to grab my roll of drawings, says to me: "You're dead." 

Being surrounded, I can't get away from them.  I try to prepare myself for a serious beating -- and maybe dying as a result.

Suddenly, a guy starts walking towards us from the opposite direction.  He calls my name.  It's one of the guys from the meeting/presentation I just had. 

The three guys disappear as the newcomer and I begin to walk and talk.  I don't care what direction he's walking in, I want to be beside him. 

I'm safe. 

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