Thursday, December 6, 2018

God of Groundhog Day

That would be "Groundhog Day" the movie.

In the film, Phil Connor has a considerable list of changes that he needs to make to escape from living February 2nd over and over.  It's not given to him that this learning is what he needs to do.  He just does it as he becomes increasingly aware of things like civil conduct, care for others, appreciation of the gifts he has and the friends he might make, what true love (as opposed to lust) consists of, and the fact that he is not the Center of the Universe -- not even his own Universe.  He makes it. 

As I proceed into the exercises of The School of the Spirit, I sense that little things are happening around me and to me that... oh, just don't seem perfectly "normal" or "usual" or "average."  Get a luck break here, escape a close call there, find something that I didn't know I had/wanted/needed.  Get "called" to say something nice, something gentle, something supportive when I don't think I would have done so a year ago. 

So unfortunately, there are two reasonable explanations (define "reasonable" if you dare!) for this:

 -- One, life is actually proceeding "normally" (see above) and I'm just sensing it, seeing it differently.  Thinking about how God might be planting these things in front of me to get my attention.  But as I think about this, I recall that Phil Connor never is given any explanation as to why he re-lived 2/2 again and again.  But as you watch the movie every 2/2 as we do, you see the changes in his behavior gradually take place, iteration after iteration.  His behavior at the Groundhog Day Ball is splendid. 

 -- Two, God may actually be planting these things in front of me.  Trying to get my attention.  Trying to show me a better way. 

Oh, and exactly why would two reasonable explanations be a problem?  Hmmm?

Aren't I the guy who has lately become enamored with Non-Dualism? 

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