Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Bad Dreams 12 -- Morning of 12/26/18

A dream that happened late in my morning sleep routine:

In my dream, I am in a room with several other people.  One of them is addressing the rest of us.  He reminds me a bit of Tom Buglio.  All the other people -- with the possible exception of me -- are sitting cross-legged on the floor listening intently to him.  Those who are sitting and listening are considerably younger than the speaker.  

His method of explaining stuff has a pattern: an initial statement of an assertion followed by elaboration: a series of examples or other bits of information to support the initial assertion.  

I have no problem with any of these initial assertions.  They convey information that is useful to me.  But the follow-on explanations are far more information than I really need.  So I get up and do something else, which occasionally puts my back to the speaker.  Now and then, I ask a question of the speaker.  He responds with useful information, but my habit of turning away from him and doing something else continues.  

I know this annoys him.  And I think he answers my questions completely and without chastising me for ignoring his follow-on information -- because he doesn't want to interrupt the "lessons" he's providing for the rest of the group.  I am grateful for the information he gives me/us, but doing these other things is equally important.  And I feel compelled to continue doing those other things.  

I think I "get it."  In my dream, the speaker is God.  He nourishes me in a number of different ways -- but in the dream, it's all about information.  This lines up with the fixation I have about how it all has to make sense.  Be logical.  I ask and get answers, but then drift off into other things.  It's not disrespect, it's just that I feel other obligations and pulls on my time.  I feel a tug of envy that the others in the room can sit still and listen to the entire message.  But I can't do that yet.  

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