Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bad Dreams 05 -- Morning of 12/6/18

(I found it interesting that this dream seems to have taken place at roughly 4:30 AM, while previous BD's took place around 2:00 AM.  Just sayin')

In my dream, I am in a classroom with others.  Everyone seems to be an adult, but we are somehow acting like we were still school-age. 

People are walking around a bit, chatting.  I'm not certain whether we've actually been given an assignment that we're all shirking at the moment or whether we're waiting for the Instructor. 

Dick Rainer starts walking my way and I hear his voice over the cacophony that currently exists.  He asks me if I had done [can't make out what it is that he's asking me about...] but since I can't understand the word and I don't recall having done anything about which Dick would have any interest or involvement, I tell him "No."  He smirks at me and says "You will."  He fades into the background. 

I feel I need to visit the bathroom to urinate and, since there doesn't seem to be any plan or program taking place -- and therefore no one to ask if I can leave the room -- I exit the classroom. 

The hallway looks like the classical school hallway with terrazzo flooring, cinderblock walls, recessed lighting in the drop ceiling.  I don't know which way to go, so I pick a direction (left from the classroom door, I think) and start walking.  I turn a corner to find another similar hallway and walk its length, looking at the doors, hoping to see a "Boys" or "Men" sign posted on a door.  No luck.

I continue walking and make several more turns.  Always the same décor.  Once or twice, I see glass paneling on the right showing staircases.  From the view out the outside windows, I can see that I'm on an upper floor. I squelch the idea of going upstairs or downstairs and continue walking the hallways.  I pass a sign on a door that says "Girls," and suppress the notion of knocking loudly on the door to see if someone is in the Girls bathroom -- and if there isn't, using the facilities myself.  I continue walking.

At the end of one hallway a different kind of door leads into an office complex with carpet on the floor, a number of separate offices around a central area that is clearly there for secretarial personnel and a receptionist.  I know I don't belong there and might get in trouble if someone there notices me, so I turn around and go back into the hallway.

Somehow, I find my way back to the classroom where my dream started -- and am surprised how easy it was to get back there.  When I walk in, small groups of "students" each have a gray cardboard box with something inside.  I know which group is mine, so I walk over to it just as they are opening our box.  There is dead vegetation -- leaves, small branches, etc. -- that someone in the group starts pulling out.  All the vegetation comes out as a bunch.  Nestled within the vegetation is a snake -- beautiful sky-blue scales with a white underside.  I understand that the snake is not dangerous, although some members of the "class" are clearly anxious and fearful of getting too close to it.  The snake is roughly 3 1/2 feet long.  It's being held by a male member of my group -- roughly halfway down the snake's body.  It is moving gently, bending this way and that.  And watching the snake, I understand that the bending is necessary for the snake to remain perfectly upright.  If the snake were to stretch out perfectly straight, it would likely roll over on its side.  Not good.

I feel my hands getting ready to handle the snake.  I'm a bit anxious -- as much that I don't hurt the snake as that I might be in some kind of danger.  So I feel my hands gently holding the air and allowing my imaginary snake to bend left and right as it feels it should.  I look forward to holding the snake. 

When I ask myself "Why Dick Rainer?" the only thing I can think of -- and thought of quickly -- was that Dick has been struggling with excessive drinking and has had trouble with the law as a result.  And I find myself imbibing more than is healthy for me... 

Snakes/apples/sin/alcohol?  Um, maybe... 

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