So I've been having these very vivid dreams lately. Over the last several weeks. At the end of some of them, I'm awake enough that I can make a few notes as to the content of the dream and then try to get back to sleep. Which normally takes 60 to 90 minutes. Then, when I'm fully awake, I can use the notes to recreate the dream with a pretty good level of detail. And those are the dreams that I've posted in this blog.
But some mornings, I wake up knowing that I've had one or more equally "realistic" dreams, but simply didn't wake up enough to write them down. And I have only the most vague notion as to what the dreams were all about. I may well have had more of them than dreams that I have documented.
I'm guessing that, at some unconscious level, the work I've been doing for The School of the Spirit has caused this "awakening" of my dreaming. I don't mind the dreams -- I think I understand the nature of dreaming enough to recognize that any and all dreams may have insights/information/messages that the Deeper Levels of Self are trying to pass along to the fully conscious me. And that's a good thing.
As a matter of fact, I hope the dreams continue. I can "feel" that I'm changing inside in a good way.
BTW, I titled my first dream description here "Bad Dream 01," because it was unsettling. But now I'm more comfortable with the process. It's okay. Let it flow.
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