Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Bad Dream 73 -- Morning of 4/30/19

In my dream, I am in some large, open space which is somehow business oriented.  There are people walking around or sitting on nicely done benches.  It's a bit reminiscent of the 30th Street Train Station.  People are speaking in small groups quietly, so there's a gentle murmur to be heard.

At least some of these people are waiting for results of medical tests or procedures.  

In the middle-ish of the room is a stand set-up as a coffee shop.  Nice stone walls set up around it.  This is a permanent installation.  But there are no chairs or tables specifically for the enterprise, so people just walk up, order coffee and/or snacks, pick up their order, and move along elsewhere.  

Jean-Marie is there.  My notes are that she says "Just let me ___________."  And I don't remember what goes in that blank.  

She gets the results from a test -- and that leaves her in anguish.  I have the feeling that it had something to do with Seth.

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