Monday, April 29, 2019

Bad Dream 72 -- Morning of 4/29/19

In my dream, I am standing on a lawn outside an office building.  I think I'm standing there getting ready to hit practice golf balls, but I'm not absolutely sure about this.  (I take practice short-flight balls and a small rectangle of "Astroturf" down to the local park now and then to practice a bit.)

As I look "downrange," I see Steve Lozowski getting ready to hit a golf ball in my direction.  I stop what I'm doing, just to make sure I'm not in the line of fire.  Steve hits the ball and I watch it soar nicely into the sky.  

After it finishes arcing up, it begins to fall -- and it appears to stop in mid-air.  I know this can only mean that it is falling directly towards me.  I step forward a few paces and hear the "thump" of the ball as it lands closely behind me.  Whew.

Steve and I move closer together.  No apologies about the near miss with his golf ball.  He is excited.  He tells me that he has proof that "The election is a fraud."  I want to chat with him about this, but he seems to know that I want evidence about this -- out of curiosity if nothing else.  He says "Come with me."

The scene changes to a vehicle -- I guess a car -- and there are three passengers: Steve, myself, and a third person that I vaguely know in the dream (but don't know in real life).  The third person and Steve are well acquainted and both are excited about their finding about the election.  (I find it interesting that this third person does very little in the dream but has a real face, unlike the unidentifiables that show up from time to time.)  I'm not driving the vehicle, but I don't recall which of the other two people is driving -- but I think it's Steve.

The motion of the vehicle is barely noticeable from inside and I don't recall anything about the scenery outside the vehicle.  Then the vehicle comes to a stop and we remain in the vehicle as it descends on an elevator-type device.  If I look out the window, I see rock face which appears to be going up as our vehicle descends.  It's the evidence I have that we are descending slowly.  Somewhere.  

The two other passengers seem equally excited about their discovery and the chance to show the evidence to me.  

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