Saturday, April 20, 2019

Bad Dream 70 -- Morning of 4/20/19

Still on vacation with Frank and J-M.  Last entry from that trip.

In my dream, I'm in a gymnasium locker room changing clothes to get ready to work out or play a game or something (it's not clear in the dream what the intended activity is to be).  There are a considerable number of other guys in the locker room who are also changing into workout gear.  I feel I am roughly same age as all these other people, but it's not clear whether we are teenagers or full adults.  I don't think we're creaky old people...

Some of the guys have completed the clothes change and are headed off to wherever it is we're supposed to go to.  (Oh, and it's not at all clear as to whether we're headed for the same event -- like a team game -- or an individual activity.  It's quite possible some of us are going to this and some of us are going to that.)

I think I'm behind in changing clothes, and I'm struggling to get ready.  Then at one point, I feel I'm properly dressed to get on with the activity/activities, but I look at my feet to see that my socks don't match -- and neither one of them looks remotely like workout gear.  One of them is fuzzy and has multicolored banding and the other is a thinner, black "dress sock" type.  

The socks would do their job of protecting my feet from blistering via the sneakers, but I'm concerned that I would get laughed at and teased by the other guys if I showed up wearing these unmatched and inappropriate socks.

I think I know how I can resolve the sock issue, but it will take some time -- and I'm already late in getting to the activity.  I consider proceeding with the sock resolution and concocting a lie to explain why I'm late in getting to the activity, but I feel that people would see through the lie -- and in any case, I can't think of a plausible reason as to why I'm late.  

There's a re-setting of the scene at this point.  It may have something to do with getting the sock situation squared away, but I'm not sure of that.  

In any case, I'm in the same gym locker room and -- for whatever reason -- feel just about set to head out for the activity.  Somehow or other, the sock situation has been dealt with successfully.  To my dismay, I realize that the other guys in the gym have completed the activity and are in the process of showering and getting ready to leave.  I can feel the warm dampness from a lot of people taking hot showers.  I can smell the soap, but also the aroma of fresh sweat -- which is not unpleasant, as is the acrid smell of stale sweat.  So whatever activity/activities have taken place, it was vigorous.  Everyone seems to be comfortably and quietly pleased with what has taken place.  

So all my anxiety in getting to the activity quickly and worrying about being embarrassed by my socks and so forth has been for naught.   

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