Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bad Dream 66 -- Morning of 4/9/19

This is the "tail end" of a much longer and involved dream.  I'm having considerably involved dreams like this lately and when I wake up I look forward to writing them out.  But I can't seem to get anything down on paper in time to recall them later.  But anyway:

In my dream, I am in some sort of motorized vehicle -- large car, most likely, but maybe a bus -- with a considerable number of other people.  There's excitement running all over the place about some kind of astronomical event that's about to happen some time in the next few days.  The folks I'm with will be watching this event from different places around the country.

I am handed a map of the USA with just the outlines of the states.  There are initials penciled in all over the map -- and I understand that these are the initials of folks who are supposed to be in these places when the event (whatever it is) takes place.  But it is to happen sometime very soon.

I find my initials on the map and it means I'm supposed to be in Arkansas.  I'm supposed to write a short something on the map.  That "something" will somehow confirm my participation in this population dispersal.  I try to write it out, but it's always blurred or my pen/pencil slips or something else goes wrong.  So my short written something is in jeopardy.  (I'm not clear as to whether I ever get it written down clearly.)

But I have this outstanding question: "How am I supposed to get to Arkansas in time for the event?"  I understand that it could only be driven to from where we are if I/we start immediately.  I might catch a flight, but I don't know whether I have adequate funds, I have no idea where there's a nearby airport, and even flying might not get me there in time.  

No one else in the vehicle seems worried about getting to their designated spots on time.  Just me.  And no one seems interested in helping me figure out a plan to get to Arkansas.

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