Thursday, April 18, 2019

Bad Dream 69 -- Morning of 4/18/19

Another end fragment of a dream -- with analysis attached.  Deb and I are still on vacation with Frank and J-M:

As my dream is winding up, I am in the presence of a young woman whom I know somewhat.  She is pretty and smart and enthusiastic about the world. 

Given recent events (that may or may not have happened in this dream...), she has come to a decision: someone needs to state clearly what the alphabet should look like.  And that she's just the person to do it.

(Two memories come to mind when thinking about this young lady and her self-assigned task:  

(The first is a story by Rudyard Kipling about how the alphabet was created.  A young woman early in the history of civilization chats with her dad about creating a written language so that information can be shared that way.  And she formulates letters based on what they remind her of.  So the letter "S" is declared, since it looks like a snake.  And so forth.  The copy of the collected stories of Kipling were a favorite read when I was young.  And the picture of the young woman intrigued me and fascinated me and made me yearn to meet her, etc.  So my "feelings" about this image changed as I got a bit older and a bit older than that.  Changes that I really didn't understand at the time.  My first "crush."

(The second is a recollection of all the young women currently serving in Congress who have such definite ideas about how our society should be run and what the government should be doing to make that happen.  Same kind of energy and determination.)

Anyway, as the dream is about to come to an end, she is dictating -- to the world at large -- how the letter "A" should be formed.  ("Three lines, two almost vertical lines the meet at the top for form an angle and a horizontal one touching each line about half-way up."  And so forth.)  And clearly, she will be marching through the rest of the alphabet.

I am happy for her and her assignment.  It's a job that someone should be doing, and having her do it is just fine by me.  I feel that there will be "push-back" after she's done, but the important thing is that she's doing it.  She may win (i.e., people may adopt her alphabet description) or she may not (so that her plan is rejected) but either way can represent progress forward.  So I wish her the very best and hope for her success.  But understand that "success" may not be in her future.

Since all elements in a dream are me, then clearly this young lady is me as well.  Me too.  And what occurs to me is that she is my "Anima" -- the feminine part of who I am.  The feeling part.  

And I feel that my emotional self is undergoing a growth spurt -- being ready to express itself in ways that I wouldn't allow years ago.  An understanding that the logical explanation of the Universe is not the only way to see things -- and in fact it can obscure a deeper and better truth.

So new definitions are called for -- and she's just the entity to do it!

Postscript:  I just did a Google search for the pictures of the young lady from the Kipling story.  Found them.  And looking at them made me happy and wistful and euphoric and needful all over again.  Plus ca change...  

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