Friday, March 22, 2019

Bad Dream 62 -- Morning of 3/22/19

There's very little "visual" content left of this dream, but I think the ideas in it are important:

I am somewhat involved in moving people from one place to another.  I think I have the power to decide who comes along and who has to stay behind.  

Much of the sorting of "Who has to stay? Who gets to go?" has already been done, and much of that was pretty easy.  Now the hard part begins.

One of the people we're considering (whoever "we" are...) is a journalist of some sort.  He's identified as being a Flamethrower -- which means he works to uncover injustice, criminal activity, etc. and then broadcast that information to the world.  On one hand, such people are dangerous in part because they don't always get it right and innocent people can be seriously hurt.  On the other hand, Flamethrowers have revealed a considerable amount of wrong-doing and a considerable number or wrong-doers.  Society needs them.

This particular Flamethrower doesn't seem to care much whether he gets to go or stays -- even though staying could mean serious harm or death.  It is what it is.  

So it's up to me to decide: does the Flamethrower get to go rather than other people who desperately want to go (because of the valuable service he provides for society at large) or do we leave him here (since he doesn't seem to care one way or the other)?

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