Monday, March 11, 2019

Bad Dream 52 -- Morning of 3/5/19

I believe this was a lucent dream:

I am standing a the edge of a very deep hole.  The ground on which I stand is natural earth, and the hole "feels" like a very natural phenomenon.  No one dug it.  Like a dormant volcano or huge sinkhole.  The sides of the hole are gently curved so that it seems to be weather worn.  It's an old hole and the bottom is lost in shadow.  

I understand that a person or people are working to climb out of the hole, which is a major accomplishment since the sides are so steep.  I feel there might be something that I could do to help the person or people: call out to them, climb down a bit to offer a hand (even though I can't see them because they're still so far down into the hole), go get help or a rope.  But I don't do anything.  I choose not to do anything.  

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