Saturday, March 9, 2019

Bad Dream 50 -- Morning of 3/9/19

In my dream, I am back at 1209 Tupelo.  There are numerous people milling around throughout the house.  I recognize my brother Warren, but I'm not interacting with him or anyone else.  Except I think someone asked me a "How's it going?" kind of question, to which I gave a pro forma response.  

I realize I'm hungry, so I walk into the kitchen.  As was almost always the case, the kitchen had few choices of anything to eat.  There are, I think, a couple of loaves of sliced bread -- and one of them is a nice dark loaf.  So I look around for something to put on the bread.  And there's nothing available.

I pull a jar of peanut butter down off the shelf and open it.  I find that it is empty -- that the sides have been scraped pretty thoroughly. 

Warren and an unidentifiable friend re-enter the dream.  They're both in their teens.  Someone else is talking to them -- and asks them if they've ever been to Europe.  Warren says "yes" in a rather casual way.  No big deal.  The same person then asks them if they've ever been to Africa and Warren says "yes" again.  The questioner is astonished.  

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