Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bad Dream 96 -- Morning of 8/31/19

Just the "tail end" of a much more involved dream:

In my dream, I am standing near the short strip of stores on Wilson Point -- the area where I grew up.  The stores change fairly regularly nowadays -- I think struggling to stay in business.  But back then, the stores were fixtures for the neighborhood that simply didn't change.  I am there back then.

I am standing near the barber shop, but it's not clear whether I'm inside or outside.  There is some "discussion" about what the large shop window out front should look like.  There seem to be several layouts available: one large pane of glass for the entire window or one or more choices of multiple panes.  (The term "discussion" here does not imply that there are other "people" in the dream.  I feel there may be people nearby, but they don't really enter into the essence of the dream.  It's more me thinking about which layout would be best.)

That's about all I recall...

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