Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bad Dream 95 -- Morning of 8/25/19

In my dream, I am on Marsh Creek Lake in an aluminum canoe.  One of the classic Grumman boats.  My canoe and I are on "the far side" of the lake -- the one directly across from where we normally put in.  Maybe 40 yards from the shore of that far side.  

I notice that Andrew McIntyre is bobbing along in the water not far from the canoe.  I also notice that the water is rather turgid, as if something has kicked up a lot of mud.  It's impossible to see anything below the surface of the water.

I notice as well that Brian Fahey is standing on the shore of the side where we normally put in our various boats.  He seems to be looking in our direction, but isn't waving his arms or anything... 

It makes sense in the dream to start moving back to the "here's where we put in" side.  I think so and Andrew seems to think so as well.  

There is a painter (a length of rope attached to the bow of a boat) tied to the aft end of the canoe.  A pretty heavy piece of rope that floats on the surface of the water.  Andrew swims to the aft end of the canoe, ignoring the painter, and wants to push the boat back to the other side -- which as the writer notes is maybe a quarter mile.  That's a lot of water across which to push a heavy canoe with a passenger in it.  

I show him without saying anything that paddling the canoe is a much easier way to move the boat.  I think I'm disinclined to try to get Andrew into the boat, as the activity might easily capsize the canoe.  If you know exactly how to do it, it's fairly safe, but I don't know if Andrew knows the procedure.  And Andrew doesn't seem to express any interest in getting in either.  

I'm making pretty good time across the water -- and it's possible that Andrew is now holding onto the painter rather than trying to swim across or push the canoe.  And then I realize that I've lost the paddle overboard.  (I don't remember dropping it; and I think it's important that I don't remember dropping it).  I look back and see it floating on the water maybe 30 feet or so behind us.  I find that I can place both hands in the water -- one hand/arm on each side of the canoe -- and hand paddle back to pick up the wooden one, which I start doing.

I wake up.  

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