Saturday, August 10, 2019

Bad Dream 94 -- Morning of 8/10/19

A completely audio dream.  (I'm guessing that "dream" is the proper term.)  And this certainly qualifies as a "lucid" dream as well.

I am lying in bed half-asleep in the early morning when I hear a voice from (what seems like) downstairs.  It must be fairly loud because, as usual, I'm wearing ear plugs.

It's a woman's voice and it could easily be my Mother's when she was much younger and stronger.  The voice is quite firm, but not angry or excited or anything like that.  It's just declarative firm.  If this moment was drawn up as in a cartoon, the words would be boldface.  

I can almost make out the words.  She seems to say/declare a sentence or two then pause -- as if she wants to allow the listener to absorb the message of what she's just said.  Then she proceeds to say another sentence or two and pause yet again.  

Occasionally, I can make out a word or two, but never enough to discover what topic or topics she's talking about.  

I get the feeling she's not necessarily talking directly to me or to anyone in particular, but I feel she knows I can hear her.  It's possible she's standing at the bottom of the staircase just to make sure she's heard.  

I understand the risk of taking out my ear plugs: while it may allow me to hear her words clearly and get an understanding of what she's trying to say, it might also be the case that the voice will stop if and when I remove the earplugs.  

I take out the ear plugs and try even harder to understand the words.  But the words have stopped.  

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