Sunday, August 4, 2019

Bad Dream 93 -- Morning of 8/3/19

In my dream, I am helping someone prepare for some kind of martial arts contest.  This is not physical help, more keeping the details of the event straight and making sure my guy is in the right place at the right time with the right credentials, etc.

There is a woman who is assisting me with this.  Doing secretarial type stuff.  I'm thinking it might be Deb.  

She and I are "excited" about the upcoming competition.  Maybe "energized" is a better word.  We know that what we're doing is absolutely necessary to have the event come off successfully.  And we have a certain (but not monetary) "investment" in our combatant and want him to do well.  

In preparation for the event, we are setting up tables (the folding kind) and chairs (ditto) rather than clearing the area for physical combat.  This feels strange to me and I wonder if we're doing the right thing.  But the set-up is taking place in an orderly fashion and the other people doing the work are treating the set-up as routine.  

As we approach the time when the competition/combat is supposed to take place and the set-up is almost done, our guy says he's not going through with it.   He knows the opponent and knows he's unlikely to beat him.  There's an undercurrent here that he also doesn't want to get hurt.  The winner in events like this may come off without a scratch, but the loser is typically beaten physically rather convincingly.  That is, after all, why he lost.  

I can understand his reluctance to compete.  It's very sensible given his analysis, and what little I know about the other guy suggests that my guy is absolutely correct.  

I'm disappointed as are the other members of the set-up team, but I also have a feeling of relief: I really wasn't interested in seeing our guy get pummeled. I am a bit annoyed that he didn't come to this conclusion earlier -- before we did all the paperwork and other arrangements -- but I certainly can't fault or blame him for reaching and expressing this conclusion.  

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