Thursday, January 27, 2022

Bad Dream 160 -- Fixing a Door with Jackie Gleason

 In my dream, I am in the Social Room of our Quaker Meetinghouse.  There is some repair work being done on the door leading out to the porch -- a problem with the lock.  

The person leading the work is Jackie Gleason.  He's being pleasantly garrulous as he's working.  The door's locking mechanism has been removed, uncovering the hole that allows key access from the outside.  It's a rather large hole, given its purpose -- and very roughly cut out.  Not a great surprise for a door that's probably been "repaired" a dozen times or more over the last 200 years.  

Jackie brings a sabre saw over to the door and tells me to watch carefully and learn something about saws and door locks, etc.  I'm a little surprised that he would want to make this seemingly large hole even larger, but decide not to bring up the subject.  He cuts a line straight up from the hole -- maybe 2 inches long.  Then cuts another one parallel to the first one roughly the same length and moving in the same direction.  

Quickly, there is now a piece of wood almost the size of an open hand removed from the door.  I'm amazed at the skill Jackie has shown and curious as to why he had to do this.  I take the piece of wood over to Deb, who is standing nearby, and show her how neatly it's been cut.  She seems to understand that it's done okay but no recognition from her as to why it's been removed from the door.  

I look at the enlarged hole in the door and realize that it's big enough that the entire lock mechanism would simply fall through the hole.  There's wasn't nearly enough wood to hold the lock in place.   

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