Thursday, January 27, 2022

Bad Dream 159 -- Getting Back with Mary?

 In my dream, I am talking with a friend.  Guy friend.  It's not given where we are.  

He's trying to get better acquainted with a girl I kind of know, but not that well.  But she is a good friend of Mary Maguire -- and he's suggesting we set up a double date: he and the young lady he wishes to know better and I get back in touch with Mary.  I try to explain to him that our relationship was usually stormy.  That while we had, I think, a strong mutual respect, our lives were aimed at considerably different trajectories.  And that this was occasionally painful to me and possibly to her as well.  And so I didn't think an overture to start seeing each other again would not be looked at positively.  So I'm sorry, but I can't help.  Best of luck.  

Well, it turns out that a number of minor characters in the dream also think it would be a good idea for me to make an overture to Mary.  Mainly because it would help my friend and his intended date, but also a good idea overall.  I overhear bits of conversation to that effect: "Do you think Randy's going to do this?  Is he going to cooperate with [friend's name]?  He could really use that help from Randy..."  That kind of stuff.  

After some time of this -- and trying to explain to my friend that he's asking too much of me, but getting counter arguments all the way -- my dream switches to me running down a long hallway.  It is remindful of the major hallway at Leeds & Northrup's main building.  I am enjoying the speed and feeling the breeze on my face immensely.  I come to an intersection and nearly collide with someone walking on the crossing hallway, but deftly maneuver around her at high speed.  This feels great.  

Then I find myself standing still -- I think still in the same hallway -- and I notice Brian Fahey doing some repair/renovation work on a room beside the hallway.  He looks up and smiles a bit and with his demeanor as much as his words, he asks me if I'm going to get in touch with Mary.  This would seem to be important to him, although I can't imagine why.  And once again, I overhear conversations about whether I'm going to get in touch with Mary or not.  This is clearly a big deal for most everyone in the building!

I reiterate aloud  that I have no idea whether Mary would have the slightest interest in getting together again.  And that doing so could simply invite more heartache.  There's nothing to suggest the her trajectory and mine were getting anywhere close.  Not then, not now.

It then occurs to me that it's possible that Mary has cooked up this whole plot.  That she wants to see me again, but doesn't want to come right out and ask.  From what I remember of her, she is perfectly capable of being this clever.  And devious.  I'm flattered to think this is a possibility, but somewhat doubtful that it explains what's going on.  And I start to develop a hope that maybe it is true... and if it is and I let the chance go by without grabbing it...  

When I wake up, what comes to mind fairly quickly is the Grateful Dead's song "Shakedown Street."  I always enjoyed the tune, but the only words I remember are "...used to be the heart of town."

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