Friday, February 18, 2022

Bad Dream 161 -- Trying to teach Deni to Juggle

 In my dream, I am trying to teach Deni (one of my very favorite people -- and one with whom I wish I could spend more time...) how to juggle clubs.  Which, in the real world, is silly because they are a fine juggler of various implements and getting better all the time.  

Anyway, we start with one club, to two clubs, etc. and that goes lightning fast to a solid three-club cascade.  Neither one of us is surprised, and Deni obviously wants to know "What's next?"

At this point, an Unidentifiable shows up, whose skill set is close to Deni's.  It's obvious to me that having the two of them learn how to pass clubs back and forth would be a Very Good Thing.  Both Deni and the Unidentifiable object to this idea -- but it's not at all clear why.  I start to formulate an explanation as to why this is a good next step, but abandon the idea, since the two of them seem determined in their objection.  

So I decide to work with Deni on doing double-spins in the middle of the club cascade pattern.  (The Unidentifiable has evaporated.)  I take three clubs in hand, two in my right and one in my left, and try to start a simple single-spin cascade.  It doesn't work.  Well, that will happen occasionally to almost any juggler.  So I pick up the clubs and try again.  No luck.  I try several more times and always get stuck at the same place, which is getting a good starting throw from my right hand.  Deni is being a good sport in waiting for the demonstration to begin, but I'm getting truly annoyed and embarrassed.  I have Deni practice a double spin with a single club while they are waiting for me to get my act in gear.  And still no luck on my part.

In frustration, I take a single club and throw it away as far as I can.  The landscape has changed to something like the Southwest US desert: sand almost to the horizon and rocky hills at the edge of my vision.  Scrub bushes and grasses here and there.  Deni is no longer part of the dream.

I watch the club sail away.  It's going a great deal farther than I could possibly throw it -- sailing towards the hills.  It lands roughly a quarter mile away -- and I know it's going to be simple luck to ever find that club again.  

I wake up.   

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