In my dream I am standing on or near a paved path or small road. I am looking down at the pavement and notice a small plant growing between a couple of the paving elements. It's maybe 4 inches tall and stringy.
I kneel down and pluck the plant cleanly out of the ground -- effectively thereby killing it. After all, it's just a weed. As I'm finishing pulling it out of the ground, I am surprised to see how deeply the roots had grown. I feel sorry for having done this.
This was early in Residency 4 -- and it feels as if it applies to my spiritual journey and how it relates to the School of the Spirit:
I am not keeping up with the reading assignments. Not anywhere near. And as a result, I think that the discussions and presentations don't mean as much as they should to me. Instead, I'm just barreling along on my "normal" life journey. And if I continue to do that, I will be
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