Monday, May 20, 2019

Bad Dream 80 -- Morning of 5/20/19

My dream takes the form of a documentary:

In it, I witness the establishment of a factory on an otherwise pretty vacant piece of land.  There is a voice over explaining what is happening.

As the factory is finished and begins production (I have no idea what the "product" is...), workers find it convenient to build houses near the factory.  The number of structures grows, as not only are more houses built, but shops are built and open to service the factory workers living close to the plant.

The voice over makes it clear that this process will continue until an entire fully functional town is built.  The voice has an edge of pride in it: "Isn't this wonderful progress?"  

I am left feeling ambivalent.  Yes, it's good that people can live close to where they work and that there is sufficient capital to make everyone comfortable.  But is this really progress on a grander scale or simply an interruption of the Natural Way of Things by humans who don't really belong there?

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