Sunday, January 15, 2023

Bad Dream 181 -- Juggling Stuff Gone and That's Okay

 In my dream, I'm kind of hanging out with two boys -- one of whom is an earlier version of Ryan Shiflet.  (I am probably a bit younger in the dream than I am now, but a full adult.)

We're walking slowly from somewhere to somewhere else and between the three of us, we're carrying two bags of juggling props.  These are my props -- the ones I've used to practice, teach, and perform.  Or so I think...  

We set the bags down so we can open them up and do some juggling.  We're not seriously practicing or performing, just kind of taking it easy.  If people stopped to watch, that's fine.  If we come across something cool to share, that's okay too.  

When we open the bags, I see that most of the stuff in there are twiddles that I picked up along the way in case they proved to be interesting and/or useful.  Most of them never were.  The useful juggling props -- the ones I used for performing -- simply aren't there 

There is a Diabolo in the bag that looks kind of tired and beat up, but should work fine.  The boy who isn't Ryan takes a liking to the Diabolo, but I don't think I've got the sticks to go with it.  

So there's not much to do.  I walk away from the bags for some task that's not clear to me -- assuming that the boys will be watching over the bags.  But they don't.  And someone steals both the bags.

One of the bags was red.  It was pretty large and shaped like a Duffel Bag.  As I try to figure out what's going on, I see once... twice... people walking by dragging a red Duffel Bag, but neither one of them is mine.  

The younger of the two boys (not Ryan) seems really concerned that I'm going to be mad and somehow punish the two of them.  But I realize that neither of the bags had anything that I valued.  And that having lost them makes me feel lighter and considerably better off.

I look at the boys and wonder out loud what do we do now?  And Ryan smiles.  He tells me that there is a confectionery store nearby that's really terrific, and he starts to name some of the treats they have for sale there.  Going there sounds like a great idea -- and will allay the younger boy's concern that I'm angry and will punish them.  

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