Saturday, January 7, 2023

Bad Dream 180 -- Allison #3

 Don't remember much of the detail of this dream, but:

In my dream, Allison is describing something to me.  She has an opportunity with several options as to what to do about it.  I think it was about taking a new job but it might have been about going some place -- possibly for a trip or possibly moving.  The options include just taking the opportunity, taking it with some adjustments and/or requests to the person offering the opportunity, or just not doing anything and let the opportunity pass her by.

As she is explaining some of the details of what's being offered, I am thinking of creating a "spreadsheet" or checklist of different items that would be affected by her choice.  By ranking or rating each item for its importance, she could perhaps get a clearer picture of which choice would be best for her.  But I never get a chance to suggest this.

The scene changes and Allison is now sitting in the driver's seat of her car -- a red MGB with the top down -- and she's obviously getting ready to drive away.

There's something in her face, her voice, and the way she drives away that lets me know pretty much for certain that she's cheesed off at me and just wants to get away.

When I awake from this dream, I realize that proposing this spreadsheet/checklist would be a serious case of "Mansplaining" -- something that I do far too often.  And somehow, Allison knew that I was about to launch into my idea.  

The problem here is that my Mansplaining suggests that I know more about what she should do than she does.  I'm not supporting her or looking for clarity in her explanations.  No.  I'm essentially telling her what she should do.  

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