Monday, March 13, 2023

Bad Dream 182 School for... Something

In my dream, I am sitting in a classroom with roughly 20 other guys.  We are all in our 20's and 30's and casually dressed.  Each student has his own desk and chair.  I understand we are here for some kind of training, but it's not clear to me what kind of training is involved and what the end objective of the training is.

This is my first session here, but it is clear that the class has been going on for a considerable time -- weeks, maybe months.  I'm initially concerned about being so unaware of the subject or subjects being taught and how far along the rest of the class already is.  I feel I can catch up with the rest of the class, if given the proper support.  But I don't have any idea whether I'll get any additional support at all.

There are two male instructors -- a little older than the students, but equally casually dressed.  And they take turns describing situations where "Things" went well or "Things" went poorly.  Some of these stories include video of the events.  When things did not go well, participants would often wind up dead or seriously wounded or under arrest.  I don't recall what the result is when things go well.  Given the ambivalent nature of the stories, I begin to wonder if we're supposed to learn about being law agents or more successful criminals.  

I try to take notes concerning the stories, but I can't figure out what we're supposed to learn from the stories.  So rather than taking notes, I find myself just doodling on a piece of notebook paper.  But then I get concerned that someone might see my doodles and accuse me of not taking the course seriously.

It's not clear to me whether the end result of this training will be to help us obey and/or enforce the law or whether it will teach us how to avoid the law instead. 

There is also a very pretty young woman in the classroom who seems to be part of the teaching staff.  She walks around the classroom occasionally and smiles, but doesn't take any particular part in presenting material.  

I recognize that, whatever the material is about and whether its for law enforcement or law breaking, I don't want to participate.  I don't feel I need to leave the room immediately but just wait until the session is over and then never come back.  I'm concerned that if I get up and start walking towards the door, people will notice and someone might try to stop me.  But I then I have the feeling that even after I left the room today, I might not be allowed to leave the program: have I already committed to being part of this... whatever it is?  Do they have my home address, phone number, etc. etc.?  Would they come looking for me if I didn't show up again?

As I am considering my options, one of the instructors calls out, "Okay enough of this, let's clear away the desks and chairs and play some Bonanza!"  All the students (except me, of course) cheer loudly and start immediately moving the furniture.  They know the game and enjoy it immensely.  I notice that the young woman also seems quite pleased with moving on to play Bonanza.  

I wake up.

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