Monday, March 28, 2022

Bad Dream 164 -- Me in a Wheelchair

In my dream, I am sitting in a wheelchair -- even though I'm reasonably healthy.  I think there may have been some minor issue in one of my legs, but it certainly doesn't need me to be in a wheelchair.  But I plan on using that as an excuse if I'm asked about why I'm using one.

I am "driving" the chair around a variety of environments -- city streets and suburban-style housing areas.  At times, the area is remindful of Wilson Point.

I am delighted that the chair is so easy to operate -- going up slight inclines or over short curbs without any problem.  If anything, it moves a little too fast and I have to slow it down, but this doesn't happen often.  

I decide to take the chair for a ride over a route that I just made up.  It will be fairly long and include a variety of surfaces and environments.  Just what I need to really put the chair through its paces.  

Part of the purpose for my excursion -- in addition to just having fun -- was searching for a candy bar.  I think it was a Payday candy bar that I was looking for (my current favorite!).  But none of the stores or shops I go into have anything like that.  Little "penny candy" bits or large-portion packages but nothing in between.     

I find myself on a pier that extends over what feels like a "river" off the Chesapeake Bay -- quite like the water I grew up practically next to.  And one of the big wheels on my chair starts to break down, and part of that wheel comes off the chair and falls into the water.  I watch it float on the surface of the water, knowing that the first wavelet of any size will swamp the part and it will sink.  And I will never be able to find it again.  And the chair will be useless.  I consider jumping into the water to rescue the part -- thereby blowing my "cover" of being an invalid.  And I decide it's worth the risk and I get up from the chair and prepare to jump in.

But somehow, I don't jump in -- and find myself standing beside my now-inoperative wheelchair.  And wouldn't you know that I am now as far away from my starting point as I would ever want to get.  My plan was to turn around after my trip onto the pier and head home.  And "driving" the wheelchair would have made that a quick, easy, and pleasant trip.  But now, I not only have to walk all the way back, but I have to drag along the damaged wheelchair.  

(For what it's worth, I don't recall any other people that I can identify in this dream.)

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