Monday, March 28, 2022

Bad Dream 163 -- Juggling, Not Juggling

My dream starts off with me walking down a slight, grassy incline where I see several people in front of me.  It's Frank Goedeke, Travis, and a few unrecognizables; and everybody is practicing their juggling -- either solo or in pairs.  They're standing at the bottom of the incline, which makes sense to do if you're juggling.  It looks very much like a standard Turks Head practice session.  

(My notes say something about being at Drexel, but I don't recall the reference and I don't see how it might affect the dream's meaning.)

I am still not terribly interested in starting up my juggling practice routines again, but it would be nice to catch up with some of the guys.  So I continue walking towards them.  

My attention is diverted to slightly beyond the Turks Head group, to where a young woman seems to be setting up for practice herself.  She's maybe 20 or 30 feet away from the group.  She is quite tall -- maybe 6' 3" or so -- slender, with an athlete's build, long light brown hair, and a handsome face.  

She reaches into her "boat bag," which she had placed on the ground, and pulled out several balls.  I can't tell how many.  She readies herself as if she's about to start juggling and then throws several balls up in a variety of directions -- none of which will be catchable.  

I walk over to her and start telling her about the Turks Head Jugglers and how joining the group could improve her juggling.  She seems to have some mild interest, although I can see that she's also somewhat disinterested.  As in "I'm not really looking for help, thanks."  Maybe she's just being polite and maybe she's just wavering about showing interest.  I can't tell.  I continue to talk up the group, thinking that when she meets the guys, her interest in participating will increase.  

Suddenly a man wearing a suit shows up and interrupts me by grabbing her attention.  He's much shorter than she is, and he has to look up pretty hard to see her face.  He's pulling gently on her arm as if to drag her away.  He reminds her that she is due to participate in a 2-mile hike which is about to start.  And that the hike has to be over before some larger event commences.  She seems neither to be glad to see him or annoyed that he's interrupted her practice.  I get the feeling he's her manager and this behavior is not unusual for the two of them.  (He doesn't have to explain what event because he knows that she's familiar with her commitment to participate in that larger event.  It isn't clear to me what the event is that he's coming to fetch her to.)  He leads her away, and maybe she's a bit reluctant to leave the area.  

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