Actually more of a report on how things are going:
I'm having difficulties "trapping" my dreams for the last several weeks. I think I'm waking up with just too much else on my mind. I'm behind on a whole raft of things that are important to me:
-- the Meeting's Porch Project
-- getting forms filled out for our application to Crosslands
-- my weight
-- selling off a couple of boats
-- and so forth.
I occasionally wake up in mid-night and make a note or two -- which is usually enough to trigger the rest of the dream back to mind. But the notes simply have nothing to attach to. Here are some examples of those notes:
-- "No he's a Cop"
-- Cleaning lady "I have the feeling that's not good for you"
-- Pixie eats wine corks
I would love love love to reattach them to what I dreamed, but alas...
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