Monday, July 29, 2019

Bad Dream 91 -- Morning of 7/29/19

In my dream, I am staying in a hotel/motel room.  I think I have not been there long, because I'm still making discoveries as I walk about the room.  One wall is completely (or almost) glass windows -- floor to ceiling.  I'm on the ground floor and these windows are looking out at a street scene with considerable foot traffic as well as vehicular traffic.  

The window coverings are very light and frilly curtain material that comes nowhere close to covering the windows.  So that, even as I can look out at the people on the street, they can look in at me.  Out of curiosity as much as anything else, I tug at one of the curtains and confirm that it barely moves and does nothing to provide privacy.

My major concern is that I can't undress to change clothes or get ready for bed. Safety is also a concern but I think not as much.  

I see that there are pull shades available on some, maybe most, maybe all the windows and I pull one of them down to confirm they work.  I don't know whether pulling all the existing shades would allow me to change clothes safely, but decide not to pursue the issue and let the shade roll back up.  (This bit may be out of place chronologically with the rest of the dream...)

I go to the door to make sure it's closed and discover that the handle/latch mechanism doesn't work, so that, not only can you not lock the door, you can't even make sure the door is closed.  I then notice that one of those small slide locks -- a small brass rod that slips into an small brass arch on the frame of the door.  I move the rod to the "Locked" position to make sure that the door won't simply drift open -- or someone pushes on the door and it opens.  But I know that anyone leaning heavily against the door would dislodge the slide lock completely.  

Two workmen "appear" in the next image of the room.  I think they're there to fix the door handle/latch mechanism, but they don't seem to be in any hurry to do that.  I explain the situation to them and they seem a bit concerned but not surprised.  

I turn to the rest of the room and discover that there are 7 TV sets -- all of them "on" -- piled up near one corner of the room.  Placed pretty much with their backs against the wall.  All of them are the old-style "picture tube" variety rather than modern flat screens and they're all showing black & white images.  Some are considerably larger than others.  There's very little sound coming from any of them.  

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the story being told on one of the sets.  It's video of an old football game.  In the middle of the action, one of the players hands or tosses the ball to the coach (Vince Lombardi?) who throws a pretty good spiral back onto the field where it's caught by one of his players for a complete pass -- and the play is judged to be legal.  The announcer is excited: this seems to be the first time in football history anyone has done this -- and it turn out to be legal.

Somewhere around here in the dream, I see an altercation on the street -- I think between two women -- and it looks like it's getting pretty serious.  I understand that if gun play starts, that I would be in jeopardy, given the large glass windows and the possibility of a stray bullet...  I'm concerned, but don't know what to do about it.  Other people out there get involved, separate the two women, and things quiet down.  

I also have a note here about "traffic accident," but I don't remember anything about that.       

I understand that I'm out-of-town and I think this is a working trip.  I think I flew out to get here, but with all the confusion going on, I'm considering driving back home when the job is done.  There are pluses and minuses on each side of this decision to fly or drive.  I don't recall what they were.  

One of the workers -- who still are not doing anything about the door, but seem to be sitting and relaxing (but not watching TV) -- is eating something off a plate.  Something with tomato sauce and melted cheese

Somewhere late in the going, Deb shows up and begins to straighten things up.  I don't know if the workmen are still there, but I think they are.  

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