Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bad Dream 87 -- Morning of 6/23/19

In my dream, I am sitting on the side of a small hill that is grass covered.  Three people are behind me and "creeping up" to me.  Two of them are Travis and Frank, and I don't recognize the third.  They think I'm doing something dreadfully wrong and they plan to accost me because of that.

The scene shifts slightly and I am in single hand-to-hand combat with one of the three.  Not sure which one.  I get the best of him -- he's down on the ground looking up -- and he desists from further action like this.  

There's some blurry stuff in the dream and then I find myself in a large room with a number of people and someone is calling out something about Social Security numbers.  

This has to do with the juggling club, obviously but also correctly.  I'm pulling back from the group and may, sometime in the future, resign from it completely.  (Hey, I'm 72 years old!)  

Two of the most active people in the club are Frank and Travis.   And it would be logical for one of them to take over as the primary contact person between the club and the School.  And with that responsibility comes a considerable level of control.  I would be delighted to find the right person to take this over -- somewhere down the road...

I'm concerned that Travis doesn't have the right attitude for this.  The right attitude is Gratitude.  I'm concerned that Travis' current attitude is Entitlement.

Frank would do a marvelous job, but it would be a challenge for him physically and perhaps mentally.  

Since I'm so bound up in the School and Meeting, there's no real chance for an insurrection, and so I can easily defuse any efforts in that direction.

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