Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bad Dream 88 -- Morning of 6/23/19

In my dream, I am talking with Kira (spelling?), the marvelous young lady who seems to be a Child of the World -- travelling to all sorts of wonderful places and posting on FB occasionally.  Always smiling.

She was part of our juggling group for some time, then drifted off.  When I see her on the street, she always lights up and gives me a big hug.

In the dream, I'm giving advice as to which of two boats would be best to take on a voyage out on big water.  Although in the dream, there's only one boat in evidence.  It's a "cabin cruiser" hull that's stripped pretty much down to the hull itself.  On the bottom of the boat is a sail, crumpled up.

I tell her that the advantage of sailing is that it's so quiet -- as opposed to the snarl of a gasoline engine.  But the hull shape of this boat would work terribly for sailing.  And I don't know where the other boat is, so I can't make any comparison.  

Bad Dream 87 -- Morning of 6/23/19

In my dream, I am sitting on the side of a small hill that is grass covered.  Three people are behind me and "creeping up" to me.  Two of them are Travis and Frank, and I don't recognize the third.  They think I'm doing something dreadfully wrong and they plan to accost me because of that.

The scene shifts slightly and I am in single hand-to-hand combat with one of the three.  Not sure which one.  I get the best of him -- he's down on the ground looking up -- and he desists from further action like this.  

There's some blurry stuff in the dream and then I find myself in a large room with a number of people and someone is calling out something about Social Security numbers.  

This has to do with the juggling club, obviously but also correctly.  I'm pulling back from the group and may, sometime in the future, resign from it completely.  (Hey, I'm 72 years old!)  

Two of the most active people in the club are Frank and Travis.   And it would be logical for one of them to take over as the primary contact person between the club and the School.  And with that responsibility comes a considerable level of control.  I would be delighted to find the right person to take this over -- somewhere down the road...

I'm concerned that Travis doesn't have the right attitude for this.  The right attitude is Gratitude.  I'm concerned that Travis' current attitude is Entitlement.

Frank would do a marvelous job, but it would be a challenge for him physically and perhaps mentally.  

Since I'm so bound up in the School and Meeting, there's no real chance for an insurrection, and so I can easily defuse any efforts in that direction.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bad Dream 86 -- Morning of 6/16/19

In my dream, I'm riding on a train.  For what it's worth, the car I'm in is considerably wider than normal trains.  There may, in fact, be two aisles.  The car is maybe 15 to 20 percent occupied, and everyone (or almost everyone) is sitting by themselves.  

Everyone looks bored and/or tired.  (In the real world, most of all of them would be looking at their phones, but phones are not part of this dream.)

I find myself tempted to take some photographs -- but am reluctant to do so.  Understandably, folks would take umbrage at being photographed without permission and quite frankly, there's nothing really interesting or even unusual about a train car sprinkled with folks who are bored and/or tired.  

But somehow, I find myself standing up with camera in hand and aiming it at folks.  And everyone is coming alive and smiling and getting involved.  Some are standing as well, some are talking to folks who are nearby, some are walking around just stretching and smiling.

And I know that the only reason that these nice things are happening is that I started taking pictures.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Bad Dream 85 -- Morning of 6/8/19

This is more of a report on reporting on a dream than actually reporting on a dream:

I remember having a dream full of detail and probably quite meaningful.  I awoke shortly after the dream ended and picked up pen and paper to make notes about the dream.  So that I would have a "hook" to recall more of the dream when I was fully awake and moving about.  Did this without turning on the lights, which is a recommended procedure.  

I made one note.  It said: "No, he's a spy" 

But I can't recall any context whatsoever.  

Lesson: it might be a better idea to be a little more explicit -- even at the possibility of losing an hour or two's sleep.  Maybe.  

Bad Dream 84 -- Morning of 6/10/19

In my dream, I am looking at the fingers of my left hand.  I have a skin issue that looks something like a blister that has broken open.  

I decide to pull off the loose skin because I recall hearing that bacteria can grow in the space between the loose skin (which is essentially dead) and the live skin underneath.  I've done this before in "real life," and typically the skin parts at the place where the dead outer part joins the healthy live part.  

To my great distress, the skin just keeps pulling back and back.  It felt and looked like pulling the plastic covering off of a recent purchase.  A covering that may include the entire object you've purchased.  

So the skin underneath what I've pulled back looks perfectly healthy, but I don't know where it will end: if I continue this pulling process, will it uncover the entire finger?  the entire hand?  the rest of my body?  

I wake up.  

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Bad Dream 83 -- Morning of 3/2/19

In my dream, I have driven in my car to our local Agway to pick up some grass seed and straw.  I know that our yard has brown patches and I'm looking to make them green and healthy again.  

I have several passengers in my car: I think one of them is an unidentifiable, but two others are women who are members of my School of the Spirit class.  Melissa (if that's her name -- the lady whose daughter now owns a Gritty shirt) and Elizabeth.  The other Elizabeth.  

I walk into the Agway, perfectly confident that they have exactly the grass seed that I need.  But when I look around in the store, I can't find anything of the sort.  No grass seed at all. 

There's some confusion in the dream at this point such that birdseed gets into the act.  I have a clear recollection of looking down into a bag (I guess) of white millet mixed with other seed.  Nice, but not at all what I need.  

So I ask one of the sales folks, "Where's the grass seed?" -- expecting to find several varieties for shade, sun, etc.  And the clerk informs me that they're all out of grass seed.  I am incredulous.  Normally the store has good stockpiles of just about everything.  But the clerk escorts me to the shelves that normally hold grass seed.  And the shelves are completely empty.  

I don't even bother asking about straw.  It would be of no use without the grass seed.  

I have a clear recollection (again...) of looking into my car and seeing the faces of Melissa and Elizabeth.  They're smiling and seem to be happy to be in my car and driving around West Chester.  This happens somewhere in the middle of the dream.