Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Bad Dreams 03 -- Morning of 11/28/18

(I woke up from this dream around 2:45 AM.  This seems to be about the same time again and again when Bad Dreams occur.)

At the start of my dream, I am closing up some kind of deal with Ryan Shiflet.  It's a smallish kind of agreement and it seems to me that it's mutually agreeable on a most friendly basis.  I think it takes place with Ryan outside the building where I am, and we're discussing things through an open window -- but I may have that confused with the end of the dream, where this is certainly the case.

I see/sense that I'm alone now in my family's old house at 1209 Tupelo Place on Wilson Point, near Baltimore.  Somewhere in the dream narrative around this point, I get a note from Ryan telling me to stop -- but it's not clear to me at all what it is that I'm supposed to stop doing.  And I'm surprised because I thought everything was perfectly okay between him and me.  

And then I am shot from a crossbow.  I hear the "twang" of the bow string and the bolt penetrates my body.  This happens twice: the first time I don't recall where the bolt hits me, but I remove the bolt without any difficulty or pain.  And I don't bleed.  The second time, I'm hit in the neck.  I hear the "twang" a second time just as I'm hit.  I'm pretty sure it hits me close to the area where my cancer originated.  Where my surgeries took place.  I remove this bolt as well.  There doesn't seem to be a pointed head on wither bolt, which is why they are so easy to remove.  Once again, I'm not in any pain and there's no bleeding.

I know that all the doors and windows in the house are shut, so that the shooter must be in the house with me.  But I can't hear or see anything suggesting where he might be.  

I'm pretty sure that it's Ryan who's shooting at me.  And I'm not frightened of him or his actions, but I certainly wish he'd stop shooting me.  And I can't, for the life of me, figure out what he's so upset about.  

I try to write a note to Ryan on a sheet of lined tablet paper (which may be torn in half, so I'm writing on the top half.  I think that's the case...)  In the note, I want to say I'm sorry for whatever I've done to irritate him so, and that I will stop doing it as soon as he explains to me what the issue is.  My plan is to tape the note to some surface or other -- I don't recall where.  I try to write this note several times, but my handwriting is so bad that I'm concerned he won't be able to read this and therefore possibly misinterpret what I'm trying to say.  It's also the case that my ballpoint pen is misbehaving: skipping and then blurping ink.  

The scene shifts and now I know I'm in the "new room" at the back of the house with a side-of-the-house window open and I'm talking with Ryan through the window.  It's a pleasant enough conversation and I don't want to talk about being shot if the issue (whatever it was!) is now behind us.  

Somewhere in this part of the dream, there's another guy outside the house, and I think he's carrying a boomerang.  He's disgruntled about something and I think he's mad at our neighbor, Mr. Svec.  But he slips into the nothing/nowhere part of the dream and my conversation with Ryan goes on.  I don't recall anything we discussed and I don't recall whether it had anything to do with the issue that caused Ryan to shoot me.  

I wake up.

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