Saturday, November 10, 2018

I need to do something about Patsy. Maybe.

I'm Gaining more and more appreciation for my fellow students in SN11.  People who have been through tough times and come out better for it.  People who are going through tough times and holding up admirably.  People who are supporting others (family, friends) who are going through tough times and doing it with grace.  

Which brings me to how I respond to Patsy.  Now, this is small and mean of me, I suppose, but I'm trying to "be real" in hopes that some light will come shining through the murk.  

In a conversation, Patsy has an anecdote she needs to share in which she did it sooner, better, with more impressive people watching on, etc.  She refuses to recognize the contribution of the previous speaker, which is, in my book, belittling the other.  

When we visited the Space Age Meeting House, our host was genial, helpful, thoughtful.  And after his semi-formal presentation, he asked, in the nicest possible way, if he would now be allowed to go home.  Following which Patsy suggested that everyone start to chant.  Our host smiled and sat down until we were finished.  Completely thoughtless.  

Whenever anyone is explaining almost anything, Patsy is smiling (I almost said "smirking") and bobbing her head.  As if to say, "Yes, I know all about that."  

She seems not to understand that her behavior is begging to pull all the attention to Patsy.  Patsy has essentially demanded that the group find another word for "Prayer," because she has issues with it.  But she seems to have made no effort on her own part to find that alternative.  Not fair.  

Now, we did a session on Projection the other day, and it is certainly possible that I'm simply(?) annoyed that her behavior is pulling attention away from me, and that's something I need to look at.  I find myself going for the joke almost regardless of the situation and topic.  And I recognize that as quite possibly being an effort to do that.  I dunno.  

Okay, I don't feel any better about this and don't think I'm any closer to finding a way forward.  I do feel that there will come a time when the group calls her on her behavior, and I'm waiting to see if that happens.  

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