Sunday, June 30, 2024

Bad Dream 203 -- Problems in a Discussion Group

In my dream, I am participating in a Discussion Group.  We're discussing something about human interactions -- what makes them work well and what impedes them and similar topics.  The conversation is both interesting and enlightening.  

There are maybe a dozen or twenty people taking part and sitting around the tables. 

The tables were we're sitting have been arranged in a rectangle -- longer on two sides than the other two -- with a large empty space in the middle.  Obviously, the tables might be repositioned for a typical classroom setup or a variety of other arrangements.  

There are two or three persons in the group -- all male -- who are obviously more involved with the topic than the rest of the participants. Their comments are directing the flow of the conversation -- and they often seem to be talking to one another rather than to the group in general, but everyone seems to be comfortable about that. 

There is a Monitor for the discussion -- someone who reminds me of Lathey -- who is overseeing the discussion, but adding little or nothing to the actual dialogue.  After several minutes of discussion, the Monitor calls for a break (so people can stretch their legs, visit the bathroom, etc.).  As part of her announcement, she mentions that I will be handling the Monitoring function when the group reconvenes.  I'm completely surprised and this, as I've taken very little active part in the discussions so far.  And it's not clear to me whether she will be returning to the group herself or whether she will be leaving us to carry on without her.  

After she's left and we've reconvened, there's a few moments of "What do we do now?"  Thinking that having been assigned to monitor the group, I should say a few words just to reconnect us to where the discussions had been going.  So I do that. 

But one or more of the aforementioned guys who had been leading and/or directing the conversation take umbrage at this.  I had said little or nothing before the group took a break, and now -- according to him or them -- I'm trying to take over the discussion.  To take the lead that they had been exercising before the break.  

I want to explain to him/them that I'm only trying to get the conversation started up again and tie it in to the pre-break discussion.  Far from trying to take over the group, I am only trying to re-establish the dynamics that were taking place before the break.  

Clearly the guy(s) is/are not accepting this and would appreciate it if I acknowledged my error, apologized, and shut up.   

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