Monday, July 15, 2024

Bac Dream 204 - Looking for Mom with a Good Friend

In my dream, I am spending a considerable amount of time with a delightful young woman.  She and I are both in our 30's or thereabouts.  

She is very pretty and has a face that is almost always smiling.  She is about my height, slender, and looks athletic.  She moves quickly and easily in everything she does.  Oh, and she's African-American.

The two of us are at some kind of family gathering -- my family, not hers -- and there is some event or other whereby everyone will be leaving the two of us alone together for a considerable time.  I think overnight.  There is concern on the part of some family members that she and I will use the opportunity to have sex.  When this concern is expressed by a family member, she (my friend) and I look at each other and we know that we are thinking the same thing: We're very fond of each other and have a great deal of fun together, but having sex could endanger the relationship somehow -- and it's simply not worth the risk to our friendship. 

(Thinking about this later, I feel that this decision we made -- silently but together -- brought us closer than having sex could have possibly done.  I also realized that my affection for this lady was two-fold: I thought she was simply a marvelous person to be with for a whole variety of reasons; but also because I felt she understood and celebrated me at a very deep level.)

The scene shifts.

I am now trying to meet up with my Mother -- and my friend is tagging along.  Mom is attending some event entirely different from the one mentioned earlier.  My dream doesn't specify what the event is, but it feels like a Convention, or a Trade Show, or a new shopping venue just opening.  That is, lots of people milling about with too much noise and practically no order to what's going on.  And she (that is, my friend) seems to be amused and delighted at what's going on while giving me lots of space to try and find Mom.   

This event, whatever it is, is taking place in a large, multi-story building that feels like a retail (that is, small shops) space on a very large basis.  

My friend and I wander through and past the throngs and the mini stores that seem to be everywhere.  I am looking for some sort of Front Desk or Business Directory or Concierge, but to no avail.  

Finally, I see what looks very much like a Front Desk and elbow (lightly) my way over to the man standing behind the Desk.  I explain my situation to him and he tells me he can't help... terribly sorry.  My friend now approaches the Desk and asks -- most politely -- if he could provide a comb or brush for her hair.  I look at her hair and it looks perfectly normal and completely fine.  The guy behind the Desk assures her that the Facility is not prepared to offer such amenities.

My friend goes very quiet, approaches the Desk, and leans toward the guy.  She explains -- quietly and politely but with an aura of impending menace -- that comb or brush should be made to appear in short order.  (Reasons as to what the consequences would to not providing a comb or brush are not included in the dream sequence.)  

I am impressed in the manner in which she is handling this situation.  I didn't know she could do this -- but I think it's terrific.  

I think the comb/brush situation gets settled, but the dream doesn't go into detail.  

In my dream, I think that, if the guy can produce hair care products so easily and quickly that he should certainly be able to help me find my Mother.  He looks surprised when I ask him again for help, and he tells me that he had sent a message to my phone with the information I needed.  

I hear some device in my pocket start playing music -- like a cell phone might.  I pull the gadget out of my pocket and discover that it's not a cell phone at all.  I pull out another gadget from the same pocket and find it is (probably) a remote control for a TV.  I pull one or two more gadgets -- all roughly the same size -- out of my pocket and feel satisfied that one of them has the information I'm looking for.

At the end of my dream, I am staring at a handful of gadgets, but feel my search for Mom may be drawing to a conclusion.  


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