Thursday, April 6, 2023

Bad Dream 183 -- Got My Satchel Back

 My dream starts off with me standing on a beach with the ocean off to my right.  The weather is wonderful -- warm air with a light breeze.  A few fluffy clouds in the sky.  I am also standing next to a picket fence which leads from my left down to the ocean.

Hanging from one post in the fence is a green satchel that looks a great deal like the satchel that Deb and I use for all our critical documents when we travel (passports, maps, reservation documents, tickets, vaccination cards, casual reading material).

I take the satchel down from the fence and notice that it seems to be either completely empty or almost empty.  Holding it, it continues to look a great deal like our satchel.  I zip open the main compartment and start fishing around to see if there's anything inside.  And much to my surprise, I find my set of keys: house keys, car keys, etc.  Unzipping the compartment on the outside flap, I find a document or two that confirms that this not only looks like our satchel, it IS our satchel.

Totally unexpected.  Didn't know the satchel was missing.  

The scene shifts to me standing in front of a friend or two with me telling them about this remarkable event.  I don't recall anything about our surroundings. In my telling them about this, I realize that if I had been at the beach any day before or after this day, the satchel would probably not have be there.  That the person who placed the satchel there would possibly have come back to collect it. Further, if I had been at the site of the satchel any earlier or later that day, the satchel might well not have been there.  In addition, if I had been at any other stretch of beach, I probably would not have seen the satchel.  So finding it was little short of miraculous.  My friend or friends humor me by nodding their head or heads and saying "Gosh, that's nice" or words to that effect.  Obviously, they are not impressed.

The scene shifts again, and I am standing in what is likely a high school cafeteria.  The room empty except for me and the three people sitting at a classical cafeteria table.  One of the people is Allison and the other two are male friends of mine -- and clearly they're engaged in pleasant conversation.  I gently interrupt them to tell them about finding the satchel, and none of them seems impressed either.  As is often the case, I feel a twinge of jealousy when I see Allison talking to any male person.  But only a twinge.  

I try to make them understand the remarkable nature of my find, but they're even less interested than the friends I had been talking to previously.

I wake up.  

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