Monday, December 26, 2022

Bad Dream 178 -- A Hole in the Sand

My dream takes place at the Stansbury Beach Club.  This was a downhome, members-only club with a sand beach, a stand of lovely old trees, some open grassy areas, and a clubhouse in the suburban Baltimore area.  During the summers of my early youth, this was the only place to be.  (But the "me" of the dream is an adult.)

As my dream starts, I am standing on the beach -- probably barefoot, since that would have been normal and also because I notice that the sand under my feet feels almost powdery.  I assume that the grains of the sand are considerably smaller than I'm used to when walking this beach.  

Walking on a little farther, I notice that the quality of the sand has changed, and is now more grainy.  I crouch down to look at the sand more carefully and take a handful to see how that feels.  It confirms what I was feeling.

With a little effort, I find the dividing line between the fine-grained sand and the coarse-grained sand.  I now drop thoroughly in the investigative mode.  

Looking a little farther, I see that the sand now includes pebbles.  The pebbles all look considerably different -- one from one another.  I consider the possibility that there may be fossils in this gravel, so I abandon the question of the sand granularity and start searching for microfossils.  

As I move across the sand in my search, I find a depression in the sand/gravel mixture, and consider this to be a good place to search for fossils.  As I dig into the depression a bit, the surface gives way and falls into a large hole.  The hole is fairly horizontal, so I can see into it and get fairly close to look farther in without the danger of the hole collapsing further and taking me with it -- more like a wall than a floor.

Looking into the hole, I am surprised and shocked to see what looks very much like a tunnel.  One large enough to allow passage of a car easily.  The far wall of the tunnel is perfectly vertical and looks like a constructed wall rather than an extension of the sand.  And the bottom of the tunnel looks like it's paved with asphalt or concrete.  

And there are electric lights in the tunnel as well.  Bare bulbs shining brightly.  And the condition of the floor suggests that the tunnel has been used recently and may be used fairly frequently by motorized vehicles.  

What goes through my mind is that this is part of the Country's defense system left over from World War II -- when German submarines were known to be prowling the country's waterways.  

I decide that I need to tell the Beach Club Management about my findings.  I tell one or two front-line employees who decide to get Upper Management involved immediately.  I recognize the Head Manager from some other part of my life, but I can't recall who or where or when.

The front-line employees are pretty concerned about what I tell them.  But the Manager has a "Well. let's not get carried away with this" attitude.  He seems to want me to believe this is all news to him, but I have the feeling he's known about this tunnel -- where it comes from and where it goes -- all along.  At this point, he just wants to keep the news about the finding of the tunnel suppressed to the smallest possible number of people.  

Maybe he's doing the right thing, but I can't shake the feeling that he's trying to cover up something...

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